Reports of Rare Birds

One of the most frequent questions to the Records Commitee is simply "How many records of XXX have been accepted?" The answer to that is easy to see in this report. Select a species to get started and then explore some of the other reports in the menu bar. Note that many regularly seen species may have only a few records for out-of-season sightings.

14 total accepted records; current status is Accidental
Not accepted records are shown in red. The camera icon denotes photos and this icon provides further details on the record. links to published articles from Iowa Bird Life.

1983-22 Clark's Grebe5 May 1983Cone MarshLouisa0
1985-14 Clark's Grebe12-13 Oct 1985Big Creek L.Polk0
1986-01 Clark's Grebe30 May 1986Hendrickson M.Story0
1994-07 Clark's Grebe13 May 1994Trumbull L.Clay0
1994-31 Clark's Grebe25 Nov 1994South Twin L.Calhoun0
1995-35 Clark's Grebe12 Nov 1995Pleasant Creek L.Linn0
1997-50 Clark's Grebe13 Dec 1997Diamond LakePoweshiek0
1998-21 Clark's Grebe22 Nov 1998Lost Island L.Palo Alto0
1999-05 Clark's Grebe21 May 1999Blue L.Monona0
2001-11 Clark's Grebe28 Apr - 7 May 2001Hallett's Quarry, AmesStory3
2001-12 Clark's Grebe12 May 2001Trumbull LakeClay1
2001-30 Clark's Grebe2 Dec 2001Spirit LakeDickinson1
2002-11 Clark's Grebe28 Apr - 2 May 2002South River wetland pondWarren4
2002-12 Clark's Grebe4-8 May 2002Mt. PleasantHenry2
2005-66 Clark's Grebe26-28 Nov 2005Spirit L.Dickinson2
2014-05 Clark's Grebe24 Mar 2014Gray's LakePolk5
2015-30 Clark's Grebe24 Oct 2015Spirit LakeDickinson2
2018-36 Clark's Grebe22 Sep 2018Trumbull LakePalo Alto2